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25 things I'm not fond of

One of my favorite personalities Andy Rooney often published lists of things he did not enjoy. Following his example, I've composed this brief list of things that I wish were not things. Eric 1. The carpet in Dollar Tree 2. Vienna Sausages 3. Most canned soups, except chicken noodle 4. Older people griping about holes in jeans* 5. Dusty fake flowers 6. Decorative soap 7. Perfectly organized desks 8. Fur Elise 9. Waterless urinals 10. Really anything waterless 11. Olives 12. Residual olive flavor after you pick them off of pizza 13. See earlier post about mayonnaise 14. Resusing mayonnaise jars like Tupperware 15. Sweet wine, like muscadine 16. Fluorescent light 17. Church services more than 1.5 hours 18. Church services with guitars 19. Church services with drum sets 20. Church's with hip names. 21. Most televised church services 22. Kinked hoses 23. Low water pressure 24. Stereotyping classical music as relaxing 25. Artificial sweet tea *No. You...

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Chapter 1


Sitting in a boring meeting thinking about mayonnaise

Ginger the fair fish

Just a note I found on my phone

Beginning Senior Year at the Oak Terrace

My first singleton birthday

A Person Divided and Our State

A three paragraph update on life

Hanging out in Edinburgh