Just a Note

Dear Reader,
       I received two encouraging letters in the mail from my mom and sister today. It was wonderful hearing their thoughts as they were transferred from pens to paper. Letters today are regarded as archaic forms of communication, but it's usually overlooked how special a handwritten note really is. I'm not denying that there are advantages to typed words because, as this blog exhibits, there certainly are. There's just something completely unique to handwriting in that the sender actually forms each character, and each character thus takes a certain personality of its own. Especially the letter from my sister Lauren in beautiful calligraphy! Like a speakers tone contributing to understanding in a conversation, a person's individual handwriting can lend insight and expression. For example, my mom's letters have sections written in very neat and calculated print, while other's are more hastily scribed. It's those neater sections I'm more attentive to than the messier ones, and reading it, I feel a sense of conversation and a stronger relationship to her words. So if you think that mail is inefficient, costly, and the USPS should just be exterminated, think about your favorite notes someone you've received in the past. If you're like me, a striking majority were handwritten.

Eric Surber

PS- After a request from my sister, I'm going to change to this font to facilitate readability.

The wonderful letter from Lauren


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