Back and Blogging
Hello readers!
I had quite a nice month-long hiatus from the stresses, routines, and general craziness that is college. Blogging was included in the respite, but sitting eventually leads to standing, and I'm glad to be back and writing--of which I'll be doing a lot this semester. I'm currently enrolled in a news writing course, which involves the composition of articles, writing editorials, and interviewing international celebrities like the Pope. Well, not exactly the real Pope. Our professor will occasionally pretend to be someone of international importance, and we'll have to interview him for a news article. He also said to expect 50s on writing assignments for the first two months due to the harsh grading guidelines. For example, any misspelled name automatically fails an assignment. Should be a very exciting class! My other classes this semester include Italian 204 (Italian literature and film taught only in Italian. Eeeek.), the grammar of current English, and state politics (Thank heavens not exclusively North Carolina politics). I'm so excited for all of these classes, and the new semester!
Finally, I remodeled my dorm for the new year to capture more elements of zen and feng shui. Here's a brief tour in photographs:
Happy New Semester and New Year everyone!
I had quite a nice month-long hiatus from the stresses, routines, and general craziness that is college. Blogging was included in the respite, but sitting eventually leads to standing, and I'm glad to be back and writing--of which I'll be doing a lot this semester. I'm currently enrolled in a news writing course, which involves the composition of articles, writing editorials, and interviewing international celebrities like the Pope. Well, not exactly the real Pope. Our professor will occasionally pretend to be someone of international importance, and we'll have to interview him for a news article. He also said to expect 50s on writing assignments for the first two months due to the harsh grading guidelines. For example, any misspelled name automatically fails an assignment. Should be a very exciting class! My other classes this semester include Italian 204 (Italian literature and film taught only in Italian. Eeeek.), the grammar of current English, and state politics (Thank heavens not exclusively North Carolina politics). I'm so excited for all of these classes, and the new semester!
Finally, I remodeled my dorm for the new year to capture more elements of zen and feng shui. Here's a brief tour in photographs:
Firstly, I added more artwork from my sister. The star is from Christmas, but its warm glow is so peaceful that I'm keeping it up. |
My new terrarium! The dinosaur is my own addition.
Lastly, the always relaxing, battery-operated meditation fountain. |
- Eric
Good feng shui!