Hello Goodbye

Today was the first day of classes at UNC. We call this day "F-Doc," although apparently that's only a UNCism as my sisters think this it ridiculous. I'm enrolled in four journalism classes (three of which involve writing) and Italian 300. I can't wait for the semester to begin--even having 8 a.m. classes four days a week! The only thing that worries me is cooking. It's my first semester without a meal plan, so I've had to start taking charge of the kitchen and my diet. On the menu for lunch today was Kraft Mac and Cheese, a banana, oreos, and sweet tea. I'm definitely saying "hello" to processed, cheap foods and "goodbye" to home cooked meals and days spent without any culinary obligation.

Returning to school always requires exchanging a set of hellos and goodbyes. Hello to more people, more friends, more homework, more parties, etc. But goodbye to a fully stocked kitchen, cable TV, and family. I much prefer the hellos. The goodbyes, however, are tolerable when you think of them as hello enablers.

Here's and hello to a new semester.


My new room in my new townhouse 

Typical college room setup. Hello wine.


  1. Wow, lots of writing this semester! (Do you drink your wine out of a brandy snifter??)

  2. You won't go hungry.... you've always been a good cook!


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