15 of Eric's Keys to Life

1) You will never regret a vacation. 
2) Crown moldings are always worth the extra expense. 
3) Fresh flowers are never a bad idea. 
4) The weather is a pretty interesting and reliable conversation topic, despite its reputation.
5) Everyone is in love with their name. People love to hear it said. 
6) Nobody is "annoying." At times, everyone is. 
7) Being nice makes life much, much more pleasant. 
8) Any amount of jealousy is self-destructive. 
9) It's usually better just to bite your tongue. 
10) Accept your shortcomings. Accept you don't even recognize most of them.  
11) Soup should always be served hot.* Use a microwave when it isn't. Get creative. 
12) Curiosity never killed the cat. Carelessness did. 
13) Never EVER correct someone's grammar when they're speaking.
14) Love beats scissors, paper, and rock. 
15) Listen more than you speak. Write when you can't talk. 


*Unless it's a cold soup. Then it should definitely be served cold.  


  1. You're wise beyond your years.
    (But what about gazpacho??)

  2. You're right...forgot about cold soups!! Cucumber soup would be terrible served warm!


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