A trip to the fair

I went to the fair with ECM Saturday, and the experience was...well...fair. The deep fried Oreos were surprisingly palatable, but maybe not worth the crowds, prices and lines. The weekend crowd was enormous--'bum'per to 'bum'per--from 10 a.m. when we arrived to 2 p.m. when we left.

The food delivered on calories but not so much taste. I paid $9.50 for a turkey leg, which after two bites realized was an ENORMOUS mistake. In total, I ate Oreos, 1/4 a turkey leg, a frozen banana, and drank two cups of sweet tea. Nothing too unusual, like the deep fried twix-stuffed twinkey wrapped in bacon, surely a confectionary delight. 

The vegetable comprtition was my favorite exhibit. One thousand pound pumpkins were displayed along with a variety of award-winning vegetables: 5 pound sweet potatoes and 200 pound watermelons for example. They've inspired me to sow mutantly gargantuan vegetables in my summer tomato garden. Where there's a will there's a "weigh."

Watch out veggie comp 2015! 




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