Finders Keepers

It was a day of finding things, or rather, they found me. It started with my underwear. I pulled a pair of undies from my drawer this morning, and guess what fell out-- a parking pass from the 1982 World's Fair. So bizarre, but the small ticket instantly made me think of my sister who goes to school in Knoxville, Tennessee, also the location of the 1982 World's fair. How did this small piece of history get in my underwear? Well, I have a stack of ancient organ music that sometimes contains little notes and letters from previous owners. On the back of the parking pass, in an archaic cursive, is scribbled a list of church music. So it definitely belonged to an organist, and somehow, his or her parking pass made the leap from these books into my unmentionables. So odd!
     Later in the day, I found a really cool CIA pin underneath my Poli 101 desk. What a treasure! Although...I'm a little concerned it might contain cameras or other high-tech surveillance equipment. Big brother is watching...



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