Midday Musing

Hmmm something to write about to kill the 10 minutes before class starts. Let's see...the weather...nahh too boring. The people around me. No, also boring. Everyone's either asleep or on a laptop. Actually, that's most college students--asleep or on a laptop. One girl beside me is sniffling and smells like menthol cough drops. Praying I won't catch her medicinal scent, but probably will. Back to the weather, it's such a gloomy Monday. At least it's pretty warm for February. Yesterday was Groundhog Day, and Phil saw his shadow. That's unfortunate. Now there will be six more weeks of winter, meaning more of the unpredictably fickle weather that is winter in North Carolina. Snow. Sun. Heat. Melt. Thunderstorm. Snow. Repeat.

Time for Italian class. Buongiorno.



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