Day 3: Logistics and Chinatown

For the second orientation day, we reviewed our itinerary and the logistics of traveling to France--like coping with the time change. Although our flight departs at 6 pm, the time change means that 6 hours later we'll land in 8 am. Looking forward to tomorrow being a really full 48 hours! 

We attended Trinity Wall Street's noonday service. The Reverend directed her homily toward the Taize Pilgrims, which was very encouraging and inspirational. I also talked to the organist after the service and learned about Trinity's very advanced digital pipe organ. 

You can see the video of the service at this link. (FYI: I make several cameo appearances!)

For dinner, we traveled to "Little Italy" and ate at a small Italian restaurant called "Il Cortile." That translates to "the Courtyard," which was appropriate because the restaurant featured a courtyard lined with real lemon trees. The pasta I ordered (speaking Italian, of course) was molto delicioso. It rained and thundered  this evening, so we didn't go out after dinner. Just did some laundry and began repacking for tomorrow. 

I'll end by quoting an adult leader from a discussion we had today: 

"There are those that make change happen, those that watch it happen, and those who say, 'what happened.' Who will you be?"


Talking to the organist after the noonday service 

Typical NY scene 

Dinner at "il Cortile" 



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